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Searching for Exemplary Learner-Centered Schools

Project Description

This national survey project aims at 1) identifying K-12 schools in the United States that have successfully adopted the learner-centered paradigm, 2) systematically investigating their learner-centered teaching practices, school system structure, and uses of technology, and 3) examining the relationship between the learner-centered features and students’ academic achievement in such schools. 


My Role & Responsibilities 

As a project leader, I led a team of 7 and developed our conceptual framework, designed a survey study, and carryied out the study. Also, my colleague and I prepared a grant proposal and submitted it to the Spencer Foundation with Dr. Charles Reigeluth's support.


​Skills/Competencies Demonstrated
- Ability to synthesize literature and create a conceptual framework

- Ability to design a survey study

- Ability to develop survey instruments

- Ability to conduct expert reviews and pilot tests

- Ability to develop online survey through an advanced online survey tool, Qualtrics

- Grant-proposal writing skill

- Leadership and collaboration skills

Project Artifacts

- Grant proposal narrative submitted to the Spencer Foundation

- Online survey 


Project Excerpts

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